The Old Mill Archive
You can download “The Old Mill” from a desktop, notebook, or tablet computer by clicking the above links (smart phone results vary depending on the .PDF reading software installed).
“The Old Mill” Community Newsletter
The Old Mill newsletter announces news and events at the Brooktondale Community Center (BCC) and in the Town of Caroline. It is funded by the Brooktondale Community Center, donations, and sponsorships from community members and local businesses.
To submit items for publication, please email as an attachment to (OldMillNewsletter@gmail.com)
Please help keep our 100% volunteer-run newsletter in print! Sponsorships are greatly appreciated and essential to the production of The Old Mill.
Gold sponsorships: ($120) include a logo or other image along with contact information on the BCC's Old Mill webpage
Silver sponsorships: ($60) include a directory listing on the BCC's Old Mill webpage
Anonymous sponsorships are also available.
If you would like to become an “Old Mill” sponsor,
please email OldMillNewsletter@gmail.com.
To be added to the newsletter postal mailing list, please send your address to OldMillNewsletter@gmail.com.
How about getting the Old Mill delivered via email?
(It saves trees as well as postage expenses!)
To receive a PDF / email copy of the newsletter, please send your email to OldMillNewsletter@gmail.com. The digital version is published in color, also making it more enjoyable to read on your computer screen.
Important Note!
If you currently get the Old Mill delivered via the postal service and are switching to email delivery, please include your name and address as it appears on your Old Mill mailing label so we can remove you from our postal mailing list. Or, if you are a new subscriber, please indicate that in the body of the email.